Hello and thanks for those of you taking the time to read this. I just love to write and love to document my story as I go through this process of making my first film. The process of making your own film is trying, long and arduous but so rewarding and for me, a spiritual path.
When I tell people that I am an independent filmmaker, they give me a look as if I am a dreamer who will never record a thing. Then they see what I have accomplished already and then it all changes. It was once told to me, "People who tell you what you CAN'T do are really telling THEMSELVES what they can NOT do".
I have circled the globe and seen many cultures and still so many more to experience. I open myself up to each and every experience as if it were to be my first and last opportunity and it has yet to fail as a life altering event.
As of yet, we finished the Captain Cook and the Polynesian segment and that was such a moving experience. I actually had an Army soldier come up to me after wards and tell me how he just left theatre and is preparing to go back to Iraq/Afghanistan and before he showed up on my set he was emotionally in turmoil. After just 2 days on my set he claimed how much it helped him. He said it gave him a sense of internal peace to be on my set and watching what I was doing with this project and the segment material. I truly believe that this film will make waves turning over people lives in a positive way.
So, since I left Hawaii last week for my home in NY I am still running the final shot of the Vietnam segment. Once that is complete, then post and then you all can see the promo trailer!
In the mean time, I am concentrating on getting better and getting through this medical separation and getting out of the Army so I can finally move on with my life.
Well, I'll write as much as I can when I can. Take care.